How Do You
Make Good Coffee
At Home?


The Ultimate Coffeen Brewing Guide

Welcome to Coffeen’s ultimate coffee brewing guide for home brewers, coffee lovers and anyone looking to enjoy the perfect cup of coffee. We’ll walk you through nine of the most popular coffee styles, what to look for when buying a coffee machine and the steps you need to take to extract the most delicious coffee every single time.


Basic Coffee Vocab

Drip Coffee Maker

Espresso Machine


Cold Brew


French Press

Turkish Coffee

Moka Pot




Coffee Basics

Before we get stuck into the how-tos of perfect coffee brewing, let’s get you well versed on some of the most common coffee terms and concepts.


Arabica is the most commonly used coffee bean worldwide. Making up over 70% of all coffee used and produced, the Arabica is so popular due to its full flavour palette, strong aroma and ability to be used for all coffee brews. There are over 500 varieties of this highly versatile bean, the most common named Typica and Bourbon.


Acidity A naturally occurring flavour of coffee. The level of acidity the coffee bean has is determined by the elevation that the coffee is grown, how it is processed and how many times it is roasted. There are four categories of acidity which are: orthophosphoric, acetic, malic and citrus.


Bloom A technique used in pour-over brewing, blooming is the action of adding a small amount of hot water to ground coffee beans before the main brewing begins. Blooming the ground coffee kick starts the extraction process to remove any excess acidity from the coffee’s flavour.


Caffeine The chemical that makes your heart, body and mind go vroom. Caffeine is an invigorating plant-based chemical that has an energising effect on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. The coffee tree contains large doses of caffeine as well as in the leaves of the tea bush and the kola nuts. Products with high caffeine are often used to improve energy, performance and vitality.


The process of extracting flavour and aroma from ground coffee during brewing.


Portafilter This is the accessory used to hold tamped ground coffee when making an espresso. It often comes with a single or double dispenser and can hold one to two shots of espresso.


Pour-over Both a brewing method and a name for coffee-brewing devices. If hot water is poured over a layer of ground coffee, it’s a ‘pour-over’. There are funnel devices specifically designed for this process.

Coffee Roast

Coffee Roast The process used to roast your coffee impacts the flavour it will have once brewed. The darker the bean, the longer the roast process has been (and the more bitter the coffee is).

Drip Coffee

Drip coffee makers, or filter coffee makers, are the cheapest coffee brewing device available on the market. Because they are so simple to use, ensuring a great coffee with little difficulty, they are highly suited to those who just want a quick, easy and delicious morning drink.

What Is a Drip Coffee Maker?

How do you make the perfect drip coffee?
What you should know:
Advantages of a drip coffee maker?
When buying Drip Coffee pay attention to:
Follow these instructions for brewing:
What Are The 3 Phases of Drip Coffee Brewing ?

What is a Drip Coffee Maker?

A drip coffee maker consists of four parts: a boiler, water tank, filter basket to hold the ground coffee and a carafe. The maker sits on a heated plate during the brewing process in order to maintain the temperature of the coffee.

The drip coffee maker works by heating up cold water until it creates steam that rises through to the filter basket holding the ground coffee. The steam condenses, turning into hot water that causes the coffee grinds to seep through the filter as the water absorbs its flavour and aroma. Once this process finishes, the coffee is ready.
How do you make the perfect drip coffee?
Making the perfect drip coffee comes down to achieving the golden water to grinds ratio- 1:15-18. For one gram of coffee, the recommended amount of water is 15-18 grams of water.

Espresso Machine

Time to become a pro at the most popular form coffee takes- espresso. From cappuccinos to lattes to mochas and frappes, if you’ve had a coffee, it’s likely been an espresso.

How do you make the perfect espresso coffee?

What is an Espresso Coffee Machine?

What you should know:
Advantages of an Espresso coffee machine?
When buying an Espresso coffee machine pay attention to:
Follow these instructions for brewing:

What is an Espresso Coffee Machine?

As espresso is the most versatile and frequently used type of coffee, there are a tonne of machines that can make a mean espresso. Espresso machines are sophisticated and complex in design. In order to constitute an espresso machine, the device you are using needs to have some specific functions. An espresso coffee machine pushes water at a high pressure through your coffee beans within a few seconds to make an espresso. The water pump, boiler, pressure regulators, group head, steam wand and thermal electric heater all work together to make the perfect espresso shot in just a couple of minutes.
While modern espresso machines can be categorised as professional or non-professional, espresso coffee machines can be semi-automatic, featuring a mix of manual controls such as grinding, tamping and extraction duration; automatic, featuring an automated system or super-automatic, with the ability to make coffee on their own making them best for home use.


Pour-over coffees have transcended trends and become a staple in all specialty coffee shops worth visiting. Symbolic of the growth coffee has had from drink to lifestyle, pour-over makers are now a staple in coffee shops, making pour-over coffee increasingly popular as associated techniques and flavour evolve.
The essence of the pour-over method is in the name: a flow of water pearces a layer of coffee sitting in a filter. The filter lets water pass through, taking the soluble components of coffee as it goes.

How do you make the perfect pour-overcoffee?
What Is a pour-over Coffee Maker?

What you should know:

Advantages of a pour-over maker?
When buying pour-over coffee maker pay attention to:
Follow these instructions for brewing:

What you should know:

  • Your finished brew will have an intricate flavour profile
  • Dark coffee beans don’t work well flavour wise
  • You need to pulse pour (pour water in intervals) for the best brew
  • Pour-over coffees are best suited to single origin coffee beans

Cold Brew

Perfect for the summer months, or for anyone who is bold enough to enjoy a cold drink all year round, cold brew coffees are the answer for those wanting a refreshing cup of coffee.

The cold brew method is super easy, doesn’t require fancy equipment or any barista skills - a win win win for coffee lovers, novices and experts alike.

All you need for a cold brew coffee is time and foresight as a cold brew takes anywhere between 8 to 24 hours.

How do you make the perfect cold brew coffee?
What Is a Cold Brew Device?
What you should know:

Advantages of a cold brew?

ewing:When buying a cold brew maker pay attention to:
Follow these instructions for brewing:

Advantages of a Cold Brew ?

  • Cold brew doesn’t come with the bitter, acidic taste that can be prevalent in hot brews meaning you don't need to add sugar.
  • There is less caffeine in cold brew than there is in most hot brews.
  • As the brewing process doesn’t require electricity or gas, the cold brew process is environmentally friendly


Combine simplicity, affordability and transportability with the AeroPress - a remarkably easy to use manual coffee machine that brews coffee in just 2 minutes.

How do you make the perfect AeroPresscoffee?
What Is an AeroPress Maker?
What you should know:
Advantages of an AeroPress coffee maker?

When buying AeroPress Coffee payattention to:

Follow these instructions for brewing:

When Buying Aeropress Coffee Pay Attention to :

Who created it: There is only one official AeroPress Coffee Maker that was made by Alan Adler. You can find the original AeroPress on our website by heading here.

French Press

An underrated classic, The French press is one of the easiest to use coffee making gadgets on the market. It is self sufficient, doesn’t require heat or electricity and squeezes the best taste out of your coffee beans.

How do you make the perfect French Press coffee?
What Is a French Press Coffee Maker?
What you should know:
Advantages of a French Press coffee maker?
When buying French Press Coffee pay attention to:

Advantages of a cold brew?

Follow these instructions for brewing:

Follow these instructions fro Brewing:

  • Cold Boil water
  • While the water cools for a minute, grind your beans.
  • Gentle shake your beans into the French Press to create a smooth layer
  • Zero the scale with your French Press on top
  • Set a 5 minute timer then instantly pour your water into the French Press until the scales hit 400 grams.
  • Wait a minute then stir the contents with a spoon
  • Rest the plunger on top
  • After 4 minutes, gently lower the plunger.
  • Tada! It’s ready. Pour immediately to enjoy.

Turkish Coffee

Adapted from the Greeks and inspired by the Americans, Turkish Coffee is strong, black and full of heart- not for the new coffee drinkers. While Turkish Coffee is the boldest coffee of the lot, the talent of brewing has been passed down through generations due to its accessibility. Big flavours, simple systems. Let’s delve in.

How do you make the perfect Turkish Coffee?

What Is a Turkish Coffee Maker?
What you should know:
Advantages of a Turkish Coffee?
When buying Turkish Coffee Maker pay attention to:
Follow these instructions for brewing:

How do you Make the Perfect Turkish Coffee ?

A traditional Turkish coffee is not for the faint hearted- one cup and you’re sure to feel a rush of caffeine. The Turkish brewing method is incredibly unique, involving full immersion and no filtration of the coffee beans. For this reason, the ideal coffee grind is over 15 times smaller than that used for espresso.

The brewing ratio of Turkish coffee is 1:9, but if you were to ask a Greek or Turk what the measurements are, they would direct you to look at the inside nodes of the Briki. When choosing your coffee beans for a Turkish Coffee, usually the darkest roasts work best as they allow the flavour and aroma to be fully extracted throughout the brewing process. The darker the roast, the more caramel the foam will look and taste.

Moka Pot

The Moka Pot has become incredibly popular over the last century. Although it is not the simplest machine to use, it is still relatively approachable and because of the strong coffee it yields, is also adored by espresso lovers worldwide.

How do you make the perfect Moka Pot Coffee?

What Is a Moka Pot Coffee Maker?
What you should know:
Advantages of a Moka Pot Coffee maker?
When buying Moka Pot Coffee Maker pay attention to:
Follow these instructions for brewing:

How do you Make the Perfect Moka Pot Coffee ?

For the most delicious tasting Moka Pot coffee, the coffee grinds to water ratio is 1:5. The most important factor in successfully brewing your coffee in a Moka Pot is not allowing it to over extract. As soon as the coffee is done, take it off the heat otherwise you can risk ruining it. Starting with warm water instead of cold or boiling water is also incredibly important as the wrong temperature water will muck up the brewing time- this coffee brewing business, it’s a fine art!


Siphon Coffee Makers look like they belong in a rocket scientist's laboratory. While they are best suited to the specialty coffee industry, Siphon coffee makers are making a big splash amongst coffee lovers due to the subtly incredible coffee they produce.

How do you make the perfect Siphon Coffee?

What Is a Siphon Coffee Maker?
What you should know:
Advantages of a Siphon Coffee?
When buying Siphon Coffee Maker pay attention to:
Follow these instructions for brewing:

How do you Make the Perfect Siphon Coffee ?

In order to use a Siphon Coffee Maker you need coffee, burr coffee grinder, filtered water, a gas stove or bunsen burner and some time to spare. Even the barista’s with the most sophisticated training and coffee palette will be pleasantly surprised by the flavours produced by the Siphon device. To get the perfect Siphon brew, make sure you are using the highest quality of coffee beans. The ideal ratio for Siphon brews is 1:14, meaning for every 26 grams of coffee you will need 360 ml of water.

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